Monday, April 10, 2017


I'm just a girl
could be your age or any age
we're all girls even at ninety or so I think
we want to be pretty
we want to be loved and held precious
next to a heart that beats in sync with our own
a heart that knows us so well that circumstance
wouldn't dare to alter it

we just want to belong
to have deep meaningful conversations
allowing you a glimpse of the girl
we don't have to try to be
we are not always patient, friendly or forgiving
we just want to wrap our hands around the world
and claim a small piece of it for ourselves

we get loud
sometimes self destruct
we get sad
don't always know why
no one can tell us how or when to cry
we hold hands with our girlfriends and
midnight shakes with the secrets we vow to keep
we go through vibrant, violent aching heartbreak
we are dreaming girls

we'll share our lipstick, clothing, memories
glitter and bedrooms
never our boyfriends or lovers
real girls know this
but we'd swim in dirty rivers for one another

we are a little bit of war wrapped up inside all that

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