Thursday, July 16, 2020

Jupiter's Existence

Is it the weakness
the attachment
Is it replacing 
that emotional blanket

Is it the fear - that ruins you my dear
Is it the healing
Is it love if -
drama collides
when it's not needed

Is the passion or the letting go
Is it breathing too fast when
you're all alone

Is it the purpose
Jupiter's existence
Isn't it pretty pathetic
this crush of resistance 

The arrival or the departure 
The passed up repentance 
The lost conversations
Forcing that distance

The betrayal of the liars condition
The movement of shadow
The light
The rebel's remission
The dreaming frequency 
or the milky moon rising 

So what ... we're no longer wishing

So if you're reading this, I hope whatever is in your way you realize you are better than all the resistance you're facing. If you're walking alone just remember not everyone has the strength to do that. You can. You don't need anyone's permission to be the real you, you're really ok. And sometimes that's all we need to be to get through another long tough day or somewhat weary battle. Take care of you, the rest will follow. Thanks for reading -  Van 

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