Monday, March 20, 2017

all night living rooms

let's give them a ceremony
give them a name
where words can't touch
and hands won't ever claim
attend the burials, the unplugging
of ourselves from too many loveless kinds of love
abandon all we thought we were
and found out we were not
that recognition didn't come easy
bravery from nights spent alone
was sucking every living last breath from us

the greetings of new days are blessings
and we hold them like porcelain glass
we are dreamers living anthems
and we don't get in line with unfocused
we crave the theoretical imaginings
that won't make us invisible

tiring of broken mirrors
and family trees and rooms with history
too heavy, too ominous for our hearts
breathing in beautiful moments that grow wings
of a butterfly and fly away

and then

the line breaks
and we relive all the words
we cant retract
so we converse our nights away
smacking lips with starving ghosts
in all night living rooms
always waking up when we don't want to

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