Monday, August 8, 2016


rain on the door hinges remind me
of the silver creeping like a rogue
in your hair
the green, gold flecks in their watchful eyes
the rough of your hands 
the songs that we sang
the sunsets that lingered
the dawns that arrived too early
but at least they left you by my side 
your tears
loved under sheets
crowded rooms,  a happy but lonely life 
hungry people - all the empty hours
we couldn't ignore or give away
paper dreams damp from rainy coasts
songs, poems, light and dark
screened in porches that we never wanted
to leave
pictures of love stolen while we're asleep
pennies of others that moved on long ago
line breaks and soul breaths
left us staring at all the pretty leaves
that blew in from the street
lets allow them to decorate our hall
for awhile


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