Saturday, August 17, 2024

Winter wonder, Summer love

 who will I be if you leave

how will your absence change me ?

will the roar of nothingness fill in the space

where run on sentences caught us up on our days

will I spin and dance alone on the cold tile of

the kitchen floor ?

and the key you let yourself in with 

shall I leave it beneath the mat outside our door ?

will I crash on the couch and watch TV alone ?

turning to see what you think before I realize

you are gone

all the sunsets will be mine, the space in the closet, mine

the silence I once craved swallowing up my time

no, I will not be who I used to be anymore

Winter wonder, Summer love 

between the heat of your hand and the cool of your heart

won't live here like before 

I will love better next time

the reception in the rear view mirror will

be much more clear

the sky above and before me

belonging to the one who doesn't 

love his past anymore 

just me


Haven't posted anything here in so long. Missed being here. Don't know if anyone will even see this, but it's worth a try. Life is hard on everyone at the moment and I find myself struggling with how easily the beauty and ease of a simple life can just be erased and destroyed by the whims of others. If you find this and read this I wish you well. Peace always - Vanessa

Follow @vanesadawn