Tuesday, May 25, 2021


Maybe it's time to be scared in a new way

I won't write about you...

I won't write about you...

I'm going to step out of this life book

where authorship has been delegated to those

that don't know me tell me that they know what's best

I long to fall into the dark space between stars and let

their light fill me up once more with luminescence 

nullify the time that marked me as no one

Say goodbye to those that stripped me of my power

in my youth

those who left me orphan to love

to understanding and forgiveness 

erase the iridescent crayon that left

unimaginable stain

Simply breathe again without guilt or regret

capture the space that is mine

be here fully alive without the ache of heart

and hard core shell of Ashe

Can you love me just enough so I know this journey

wasn't a complete waste ? 

If not 

I won't ask permission to become the butterfly

that you want to kill

Breaking free of fear, of being held in the vices of how others see us. That's not easy to do. Everyone wants to belong, to be at ease to be accepted. Sadly not always the case. If you understand this then when you are ready to break free from your personal chrysalis, spread your wings take flight. Freedom is yours when you are ready. Thanks for reading. Much love, Vanessa

Follow @vanesadawn