Saturday, May 26, 2018

Second Thought

will you my love find a new rhythm to breathing
without me
will you saunter into enlightenment 
or into the vast wilds of nothing taking
space up inside your intricate ears
the months away
how will they change you love ?

if you call my name will I hear you 
in the restlessness of the Summer trees dancing 
in the Carolina skyline
or in the heat of the warm cemented sidewalks

you strum silence together like guitar strings
leave me hungry for beauty, your laughter

I want to open my ceiling and stare at the stars
watch Heaven burn alive with night tapestry
that day swallows whole
I am a torn edge, longing to be just an itch 
in the hollow curve of your ivory collarbone 
or a tiny glint of light in your green eyes
hopefully I'm just a second thought away

hurry home love

Friday, May 4, 2018

Your fall

and sometimes I'm still trying to break your fall...

it's sad we never got to see the ocean together
but the sky was always watching, moving
and it was blue enough
we just knew something better was coming
it just never reached us
we talked through the night about small nothings
just happy we belonged beneath the same roof
and you always fell asleep first leaving me
to ponder the fires of a future truth
open ended conversations we never finished
well perhaps that's for another day
another place
when I catch up to you

wish I had just a spoonful of the hill 
we used to climb
wish I could sit in the barn we used to hide
we were wind chasers, star tracers
damn near choked on their indifference
but I was yours and you were mine
and your dark eyes were the only dark eyes
I ever saw my reflection in

and I would have taken your fall my brother
it just wasn't up to me

Still missing my brother Patrick whom I lost nineteen years ago and I don't think I'll ever stop. It's the unconditional, unromantic love of siblings that buries into our soul unlike any other love we encounter and anyone that has a brother/sister knows and realizes that sometimes this kind of love carries us onward and giving strength and fortitude
to keep carrying on when there's nothing left but revival of memories. 

Follow @vanesadawn